Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Every Step Earned

I have been running for just 4 years now.  I started out fresh off the couch and having recently shedding roughly 50 pounds of excess weight.  I started with a Couch-to-5k running program (despite my strong desire to remain lazy), rediscovered my childhood love of running, and trained my way into being able to run marathons.  I have been fortunate enough to enjoy success at every measured distance between 5k and 51k.  To accomplish that I had to spend nearly 3 years in a constant state of training always refusing to recognize limits and always demanding that I strive for more speed and greater endurance.  Though I am far from being pro or even semi-pro I have worked hard enough to give observers the impression that what I do is easy or effortless.  Even at my peak that is never the case when I'm racing, no matter how it may appear.
I've been compared to a robot, I've been called freakish, I've even had people upset/angry with me for doing well and looking as if it were too easy.  I understand there is a level of praise beneath the various forms of expressions but I wish they would see what it takes to get to that level rather than the gratification of the accomplishment.

For those who wish I would show greater effort I am happy to present you this collage of my pictures from the recently completed 2015 LVTC Legends of Cross Country 5k.  I was tired after the first mile, drained after the 2nd, and exhausted after the 3rd.  Like many others, it took everything I had to finish the race.  I take pride in my effort level, it wasn't my best result ever but it was the best I could give that day and I'm pleased.  


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